Tuesday, January 24, 2012

make a quilt out of the cloth.

Ida : Putri, I have a lot of unused cloth. What should I do with it?

Putri : You could make a quilt out of the cloth.

Ida : But I don’t know how to make a quilt.

Putri : I know how to make a simple quilt.

Ida : Really? That’s great. Will you show me how?

Putri : Sure. All you need is some unused cloth, thread, and needle. The first thing
that you have to do is cut the unused cloth or fabric into squares (8cm x 8cm or
10 cm x 10 cm). Then, fold the edges of the square a little bit (about 0.5 cm).
After that, sew the folded edges of two squares together. And then, keep
sewing the square cloth together in a pattern that you want, for example heart,
face, flower, stripes etc. When you have finished sewing all pieces of your
square cloth, turn the sewed squares on its back side. Next, spread the large
fabric sheet on top of sewed squares. Finally, sew the large fabric with the
sewed squares. Wow, you have a beautiful unique table cloth.

Ida : Wow that’s great. Have you ever made one?

Putri : Yes, I just made one last week. Here it is.

Ida : That’s very beautiful, Putri.

Putri : Really?

Ida : Yes, it great.


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