Wednesday, January 25, 2012

is there any endangered animal from the area you come from?

Tora : Sanusi, is there any endangered animal from the area you come from?

Sanusi : Well, in Kalimantan there’re orangutans and they’re endangered.

Tora : Oh, I see. Do you know why they’re endangered?

Sanusi : Well, I was told that the orangutan is endangered because of habitat
destruction and they are shot, caught, and sold to circus, and other attraction

Tora : Really? That’s very sad.

Sanusi : Yes I know. What about in Banten? Is there any endangered animal there?

Tora : Yes there is. In Ujung Kulon there’s also an endangered animal. We have
Javanese rhinoceros or what we usually called one-horn rhinoceros.

Sanusi : Mm…

Tora : They’re endangered because of habitat loss and hunting. Now, there are
only about 60 of them left in the world.

Sanusi : Are you serious?

Tora : Yes. You can find them in Ujung Kulon and in Vietnam national park.

Sanusi : I hope their number can increase soon.

Tora : Yes. I hope so too.


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